Relapse Prevention in Malden, MA

Drug and alcohol addiction can be a very serious problem for an individual battling their demons. The fact is that beating addiction isn't always easy even if you have help. Once you quit, relapse prevention in Malden is essential for staying healthy.

Without relapse prevention in Malden, many addicts find themselves using or drinking again once they return to their daily routine. You don't want this to be you. It doesn't have to be you either.

Use this guide to learn more about relapse prevention programs and how they can help you change for good.

What Is Relapse Prevention?

Addiction can be incredibly hard to beat. For many people though, the real trouble begins once they leave rehab and have to return to their normal lives. The temptation is easy to avoid in a safe, comfortable environment like rehab, but when you're on your own it isn't always so easy.

Relapse prevention in Malden is essential to help develop a way to stay drug or alcohol-free and maintain your sobriety. While relapse prevention programs vary in nature, they do tend to serve a similar purpose of keeping addicts from going back to using.

Many relapse prevention programs and drug rehab programs in Malden work by gathering individuals for support group type meetings. Others combine these group meeting with forms of therapy like individual talk therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) or even art, music or yoga therapy.

Most addicts entering recovery have options when it comes to relapse prevention in Malden, and many programs will work with you to tailor something to your needs. Relapse prevention is an individual thing and what works for one person may not work for you.

A well thought out plan for relapse prevention Malden can help you avoid temptation and stay healthy. After putting so much work into getting sober, you don't want a slip-up to reverse your progress.

Relapse Statistics Amongst Addicts and Alcoholics

Relapse isn't something any addict wants to experience after going through medical detox in Malden, inpatient rehab or even outpatient care. Unfortunately, it is relatively common among people who abuse drugs or alcohol and seek treatment for these issues.

People who abuse drugs tend to relapse at a rate somewhere between 40% and 60%. While this may seem high, it is important to note that not all stages of relapse involve actually using drugs or becoming addicted again.

When it comes to alcohol consumption, alcoholics relapse at an even higher rate than individuals who use prescription or illegal drugs. The relapse rate for these individuals is around 60% to 90%. Many alcoholics go through a relapse within the first year.

Warning Signs and Symptoms of Relapse

Relapse may be common, but being able to spot the signs can help you prevent it from happening to you. Common warning signs and symptoms of relapse include:

  • Lack of interest in meeting groups, therapy or treatment for addiction.
  • Anger, irritation, depression or feelings of isolation. These are common among addicts who start using again.
  • Major life changes can trigger a relapse. Divorce, change of job or loss of work, a death in the family or a major move can push some addicts to use again.
  • General malaise or boredom with life. Many addicts avoid relapse by finding passions and hobbies to keep them busy.

Stages of Relapse

Relapse rates for drug addicts and alcohol users can seem high, but relapse doesn't always mean using. There are actually a few different stages of relapse that people can experience.

The three stages of relapse include:

  • Emotional relapse. Emotional relapse occurs when an addict begins to set them up for using again. Examples might include mood swings, anxiety, isolation or feelings of hopelessness.
  • Mental relapse. Mental relapse occurs when an individual begins to feel like they might want to use again. Many people romanticize the past or consider that they might be able to use in a responsible manner.
  • Physical relapse. Physical relapse happens when an addict attempts to obtain or use drugs or alcohol. Actually drinking or using drugs doesn't have to be part of physical relapse.

Relapse is a serious issue for addicts, but it doesn't have to be your downfall. Make a plan for relapse prevention in Malden and keep yourself sober with the right support network.

Programs for relapse prevention can help you and they are available. Reach out today to get the support you need to stay sober, happy and healthy. Call Malden Alcohol Rehab Centers now for help (877) 804-1531.

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